5 Tips to Effective GMAT Preparation

Balancing Busy Schedules No Longer a Challenge

Everyday tasks at work, school or other household commitments makes GMAT preparation a tough nut to crack amidst your varied responsibilities. This has been commonly observed in GMAT aspirants based in Dubai and Abu Dhabi whose daily schedulesare highly demanding. Prioritising becomes key here, along with a little motivation that does not wane.

Here we break down 5 tips to help you plan ahead and ace your GMAT with top scores:

  1. Personalised Planning: As a leading GMAT Test Preparation and Training Centre in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, we have observed most aspirants complain of not being able to adopt commonly utilised study plans successfully. Every individual is unique and so are their daily routines. Getting a hang of yourself is as important as getting a hang of the test. List out major activities scheduled for a week way ahead and consider the time that can be utilised entirely for your GMAT preparation. The timings you identify should remain a constant no matter what.
  2. Shorter Study Time, Greater Retention: Studying a little of quant, verbal ability and reasoning each day or every alternate day of the week rather than putting it off for weekends helps in enhanced learning and absorbing of facts. This should also allow for rigorous testing of your understanding. Always remember what matters is the quality of time spent, not the quantity!
  3. Realistic Goals: Start by setting the ideal scores you intend to achieve and allotting weightage to each of the sections accordingly. This principle also extends to the portions you plan to finish in a day/week. Try to take more time off for areas you are weak in. Make sure to set deadlines that are well within your reach, otherwise it may lead to frustration and disoriented preparation.
  4. Consistency: Maintaining the pace of your study is always important. The slightest slack will cost you much. Promising to stick to your routine is therefore crucial to sail through the highly competitive stature of GMAT preparation.

Staying Motivated: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Exercising, taking a short music break or quick chat with a dear friend- whatever it is that helps you feel refreshed, have that incorporated into your schedule. Set timers to ensure that it does not disturb your study time.

Getting into your coveted B-school is no longer an unattainable dream. Neither does it require you to take time off from your school or work. All it needs is an enthusiastic and inspirational drive. Still confused? We at One Attempt– the leading GMAT Test Preparation Centre in Dubai and Abu Dhabi are happy to help with our expert GMAT trainers.

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  1. George

    Good content

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